Over 243 million Americans of voting age listen to AM-FM radio each month. "Newsgeneration.com" reports that AM-FM Radio reaches 93% of the American population, but few candidates for President even consider producing a weekly radio program formatted specifically for AM-FM radio. This is a SERIOUS marketing mistake!
The primary mission of BROADCASTING FOR AMERICA is to win back the hearts and minds of red state voters by bringing them a positive message through their preferred media, which IS talk radio. This is a HUGE job because 90% of all talk radio listeners are fed a steady diet of anti-progressive liberal bashing. Take a look at the stunning numbers in this survey from Talkers magazine. Right wing conservative talk dominates the airwaves with over 80 million weekly listeners.
BROADCASTING FOR AMERICA is a non affiliated political committee, established to bring progressive voices to millions of people who consistently listen to conservative talk radio, many of whom are disillusioned and embittered voters who have lost faith in our government.
Broadcasting For America will raise funds specifically to purchase radio program time. Funds will be solicited to maintain a presence on conservative talk stations beyond the 2020 election.
Any questions or comments should be submitted to Fred Lundgren at (281) 599-9800 or email [email protected].
Fred Lundgren is a third generation Texan with roots in Austin politics and the organizer of Broadcasting For America. He is the licensee of KCAA Radio, the NBC News affiliate and News/Talk station for the Inland Empire region of Southern California. KCAA broadcasts on three terrestrial frequencies and worldwide on most online platforms. Click HERE to read Fred's Huffington Post article Progressive Talk Radio Can Win Back The Hearts And Minds of Red State Voters. You are welcome to share this article with additional progressive groups.
The task of returning empathy to hardened hearts and objectivity to minds contaminated by daily messages of hate and division is beyond the scope of any one of us, but is achievable with the participation of MANY OF US.
BROADCASTING FOR AMERICA is designed to be a messenger of progressive voices that will grow exponentially as donations increase. Our goal is to establish progressive programs on most NewsTalk stations in America. Obviously, this is an achievable goal, because conservatives have ALREADY accomplished it.
KCAA Radio has produced the first example of a Broadcasting For America program. The episode contains a speech delivered by Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The program is formatted for terrestrial radio broadcasting. In order to comply with Federal Law, these pilot broadcasts will be treated as in-kind contributions to the candidate at the rate of $100 per show.
The program is available HERE for downloading and listening on demand. It's also available for free redistribution to the public or other news media. This program will air on KCAA Radio and online at www.kcaaradio.com each morning at 5-6 a.m. Pacific, which is 8-9 a.m Eastern time. The schedule is listed on the home page of the KCAA website.
The next Broadcasting For America program will feature the speech delivered by Senator Elizabeth Warren in Lawrence, Massachusetts, when she announced her candidacy for President.
As soon as possible, we will edit and post one-hour radio programs featuring more Presidential candidates. Each of these will link to an Act Blue donation page.
We can expect to spend between $500 and $1,000 per month to maintain a weekly one-hour radio program in most small and mid-sized media markets. We should expect to spend about two to three times that amount each month for a weekday program that airs Monday through Friday.
There are approximately 1,500 NewsTalk radio stations in America and most of them want to sell program time. The goal of BFA is to broadcast a weekly radio show on 100 stations in targeted states or regions, for a cost of about $100,000 per month.
We know how to keep administration costs low. Specifically, ActBlue charges 3.95% for their services which include all set up and donation software, the collection of funds and ongoing tech support.
Broadcasting For America will charge 6.05% for services, which include editing and formatting shows, placement on stations and collecting affidavits proving each show was aired as agreed. This combined total of 10% is less than the standard agency fee of 15%. Therefore, for every $100,000 spent on radio air time, $90,000 will go directly to the stations that broadcast the programs. WE WILL NOT BUY AIR TIME THROUGH THIRD PARTY AGENCIES.
The costs associated with establishing this website have been minimal and paid from personal funds. Since KCAA Radio in Redlands, California is the Flagship Radio Station for this effort, costs associated with producing a pilot show have also been minimal.
We will not use funds donated to Broadcasting For America to purchase air time on KCAA. Any Presidential campaign wanting to broadcast a program on KCAA should contact Fred Lundgren, KCAA's CEO at (281) 599-9800 or email [email protected]
Regarding the placement of buys consistent with the mission of this political commmittee, we will make decisions after considering the cost of the air time relative to the time of the broadcasts and the coverage area provided by each station.